Charlotte Edmonson CF-L2

Bonus Credentials: CrossFit (CF) rowing, CF weightlifting

Manage a Dental practice

Been “CrossFit-ing” since This is little challenging to answer. I started doing a version of “CrossFit” in 2009. Then began the truer version of it when Turnagain CrossFit opened in 2015.

Why Turnagain CrossFit?
Positivity many ways.

A few of my favorite things:
Hanging out with my ducks, cooking paleo and tricking non-paleo eaters that eating clean can taste good, campfire time.

When I'm not at CrossFit
… you’ll find me in the mountains & outdoors, training for Mount Marathon, hunting, fishing, jet boating and sharing these experiences with the people I love.


Travis McAdams CF-L2


Andrea Winn CF-L2